Директивы на русском языке (неофоциальные переводы)
Директивы на английском языке
Council Directive 83/91/EEC of 7 February 1983 amending Directive 72/462/EEC on health and veterinary inspection problems upon importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from third countries and Directive 77/96/EEC on the examination for trichinae (trichinella spiralis) upon importation from third countries of fresh meat derived from domestic swine
Council Directive 85/328/EEC of 20 June 1985 amending Directive 77/99/EEC on health problems affecting intra- Community trade in meat products
Council Directive 85/73/EEC of 29 January 1985 on the financing of health inspections and controls of fresh meat and poultrymeat
Council Directive 86/469/EEC of 16 September 1986 concerning the examination of animals and fresh meat for the presence of residues
Council Directive 89/227/EEC of 21 March 1989 amending Directives 72/462/EEC and 77/99/EEC to take account of the introduction of public health and animal health rules which are to govern imports of meat products from third countries